Netradyne Data

Accurate, real-time ​digital twin data from over a​ million miles of roads.

Collected with highest privacy standards​


Create and maintain maps with high quality, up-to-date street-level data.


Harness real-time road condition data to optimize routing and dispatch.


​Improve roadway management with remote surface and asset monitoring.

The Freshest Geospatial Data on the Market

You can’t build tomorrow’s applications with yesterday’s data.

Netradyne provides the most up-to-date information in the industry, processing a year’s worth of annotated driving videos every hour. Most of our routes are updated within 24 hours, complete with HD imagery, semantic detections, and a wide array of sensor readings.

Deep Nationwide Coverage

This isn’t a random image from the internet. This is our actual coverage map of the United States, with most of these roads being driven at least once daily. Our data harvesting pipeline processes over 25 billion road images per day.

In addition to hourly data from all major roadways, get detailed visual and semantic insights from all major metropolitan areas.

Privacy First, Privacy Always

With Netradyne, you never have to worry about compliance issues. From day one, we have collected our license-secured data with anonymized acquisition and built-in personal and business privacy protection.

Superior Technology
= Superior Data